This video gave me goose bumps. I love it, I feel it express my feeling correclty. People like me are lost for words. All I want is to have a family that will be protected in the same manner as every one else’s family is in the United States.

We cannot solve a problem from the level of a problem instead we have to step outside of ourselves and see what will bring the greatest happiness to all. This man has managed to see beyond sex and color and seen what the concept is all about…. LOVE! JOIN US AT THE RALLY IN TALLY!

Click on this HRC link and read why your should sign the petition and thank you letter to Obama

Go to:

Thank you!

Lets Go!

6:17 PM | 0 Comments

Rally4equality is going to Tallahassee!
Please join me at the Rally in Tally!

A Rally in Tally for LGBT Rights on Monday, March 16. The rally will mark the start of our second annual Equality Florida Lobby Week. Come join us in Tallahassee for the rally, then stay and talk to legislators about why your family matters.

Yes, Equality Florida has made this great event to build support for bills that will:
• Repeal Florida's shameful ban on gay and lesbian adoption,
• Create domestic partnerships in Florida,
• Provide basic housing and employment protections to LGBT Floridians and
• End hate violence against all members of our community.

for more information please click the link.

Please let us know if your going so we can meet there. We will be posting transportation info soon.

Thanks to:
This is what CBS4 News posted from the protest:

"S. Florida Gays Urge Obama to Back Gay Marriage
Jan. 10,2009, 11:20 p.m ET
Landmarks were lighted in blue following a day of protests urging President Elect Obama to back efforsts to prevent Gay Marriage bans"

We wanted to thank Join the Impact for making this possible and for all those that together with Rally4equality came out and rallied for your rights. For all of you that were not able to make it there will be other events and we will be sure to post them here and at our myspace page.
Once again thank you and see you soon!

Click on images to enlarge.

Brenna's Speech

The Palace

Collecting Signatures

Equal Right to love

Equality Outfitters

Getting ready

Local Celebrity Pussila & Miami Beach Mayor Matti Herrera-Bower

Pussila & Mayor Matti Herrera-Bower

Marchingto City Hall

DOMA-Miami Beach Mayor Matti Herrera-Bower

DOMA Protest

DOMA Protest

The Palace

About 300 attendees

Mayor Matti Herrera-Bower & Local Celebrity Pussila - Marching

DOMA- Blue City Hall Miami Beach


This is a beautiful video! Human Rights are for all. Gay, Straight, Black, or White, God does not discriminate. How many people are killed due to prejudice? How many more people have to suffer discrimination?


When: Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where: The "Old" Miami Beach City Hall1130 Washington Avenue Miami Beach 33139

Time: 5-7 p.m.

Adelante florida el estado de diversidad cultural....DALE QUE TU PUEDES!

No hay nada ni nadie que pueda contra el amor. "el que este libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra!"Los derechos humanos son para todos sin importar la religión, el color, o preferencia sexual. Toma tu pareja, familia, amigos y invitalos a un evento como ningún otro.

Cuando:Sábado, Enero 10, 2009

Donde:1130 Washington Avenue Miami Beach 33139

Hora: 5-7p.m.

This is sad, it looks like it keeps getting worse by the day, we in the GLBT community want to be recognized and be known and acknowledged as any other citizens, but it seems that all is talked out there about us when we make it to “the news” is about hates crime, one after another they keep coming, I think it’s time we change the way we are viewed in this society, as a “target” for hate crimes, and even if this doesnt change soon, instead lets be positive, lets portrait ourselves as strong community who stands up for themselves, a peaceful, hardworking, loving community, but also as a community not to mess with!

I hope to see many people on the streets of Miami Beach on January 10th, wearing our colorful flags, and showing how big and strong our community really is!!!

